Welcome to Summer Space!
With all the excitement of our new expanded home in the Amagansett Square, we anticipate a wonderfully busy season. Prime time weekend classes are often crowded, so to provide a more spacious experience to those who enjoy that, I am pleased to announce this year's Summer Space Class. Every Saturday at 9:30am I will be teaching my 75min ZalogaYoga Flow, limited to only 20 students, offering you a respite from the weekend madness. Breathe deeply, open wider and check in easier! PRE REGISTRATION REQUIRED!
Saturdays 9:30-10:45am starting July 2nd (Just in time for the big holiday rush!) 8 Week Class Series: $375/ 4 Week Class Series: $220
Don't miss out, this is a private class only available to 20 people. To Reserve, contact Emily Liss: emily@mandalayoga.com